Questions About Dental Veneers

Posted on: 26 July 2016

If you have seen people with perfectly white, straight teeth, you may have assumed that they were just fortunate enough to have great genes. However, genetics are not always the reason that teeth look great. In fact, great-looking teeth are not always achievable through great genes or even good dental hygiene. Sometimes, the perfect appearance of teeth is due to cosmetic dental applications, such as veneers. Here are a few questions and answers about dental veneers:
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2 Homemade Remedies To Help Soothe Inflammation Cause By Parotitis

Posted on: 29 June 2016

Poor dental health can cause a number of issues with your mouth. One of the biggest issues that this creates is bacterial infections. These infections can irritate anything from your gums to your teeth. However, a bacterial infection that is not so obvious is parotitis. This bacterial infection often occurs when bacteria contaminate your salivary glands. You will often experience dry mouth and pain around your mouth and face as a result of this.
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3 Potential Treatments For A Premolar Tooth With Dens Evaginatus

Posted on: 20 June 2016

Dens evaginatus is a dental growth disorder that creates a hard extra cusp on the rear of a premolar tooth. The cusp is often shaped like a claw and is sometimes also called a talon cusp. The extra cusp is often not visible to others and might not cause any annoyances or damage. But in some cases, dens evaginatus can rub against soft tissues or the opposing teeth and cause irritation or damage.
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Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Pulled? Make Recovery Easier With These Smoothie Recipes

Posted on: 20 June 2016

You will likely experience some pain, swelling, and bleeding as your mouth heals from having wisdom teeth extracted. Because of this, you shouldn't eat any solid foods or drink alcohol and hot beverages for a few days after your surgery. Instead, you should focus on drinking plenty of water and enjoying soft foods that won't irritate your teeth or gums as you heal. Following are a couple of smoothie recipes you can make and drink during the first few days after surgery to keep yourself fueled without inhibiting the healing process:
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